The View war erupts: Sunny Hostin slams co-host as she accuses star of being “jealous” of her in shocking on-air moment

The View’s Sunny Hostin throws shade at co-host as she accuses star of being ‘jealous’ of her in shocking on-air moment

THE View star Sunny Hostin has called out her co-host Ana Navarro for harboring feelings of resentment toward her.

Sunny’s co-host Sara Haines toted the lawyer’s latest victory on Tuesday’s episode of The View.

The View's Sunny Hostin called out Ana Navarro for being jealous of her latest win

The View’s Sunny Hostin called out Ana Navarro for being jealous of her latest winCredit: ABC

Ana's dog recently competed against her co-hosts' dogs in The View's pooch pageant

Ana’s dog recently competed against her co-hosts’ dogs in The View’s pooch pageantCredit: ABC
Sara, 46, discussed the pooch pageant that happened on the morning show last week at the roundtable.

She referenced the dog show, which she judged, to add to her point about being a neutral friend.

Sara revealed that Sunny’s, 55, dogs won over her co-stars Ana, 51; Alyssa Farah Griffin, 34; and Joy Behar’s, 81, respective pups.

Sara added that she hadn’t “heard the end of it” from Ana and has since been harassed by her because Sunny came out on top.

Sunny declared that Ana was jealous that Sunny’s pooches won over her famous doggy, ChaCha, as Sara continued to explain herself.

“I now realize being a neutral friend has perks in a job where those friends show up and literally know where you live,” Sara admitted.

It’s no secret that Sunny and Ana don’t always see eye to eye.

Ana snapped at her colleague for irritating her as Joy tried to calm down the situation during an episode aired on May 12.


Trying to get the discussion back on track before the two could argue further, Joy asked Ana to finish her original thoughts on the topic.

In April, it was during a discussion about a movie being banned in Ana’s state of Florida that led to Sunny making the same suggestion.

Ana said, “This has gotten ridiculous,” as her co-host Sunny blurted out: “You gotta move.”

It took a few seconds for Ana to react to Sunny’s comment, but when she did, she seemed frustrated.

“I’m not gonna move!” she screeched, before adding: “I’m gonna stay in Florida and I’m gonna fight from there.”

Ana continued ranting: “So don’t tell me to move again! People write me and tell me to move…”

“I think you’d be happier in New York,” mom-of-two Sunny then said calmly as Joy attempted to butt in that time, as well.




Attempting to explain her outburst, Ana turned to Joy and said: “No, because they tell me that, they tell me to move, I’m not moving!”

Earlier that week, fans were left stunned after Ana abruptly cut Sunny off during a heated debate.

The star was in the middle of talking when Ana spoke over her to ask for Whoopi Goldberg’s, 68, opinion on the topic instead.

The View panelists kicked off the show with a conversation about the coronation of King Charles III.

Viewers online were shocked by the exchange with one saying: “Sunny didn’t get to finish her point!”

“Why did Ana just interrupt Sunny like that,” asked another stunned fan.

Most of the women agreed that they enjoyed watching the event, but then Sunny turned the conversation more toward the monarchy as a whole.

She said: “The monarchy built its wealth on the backs of Black and Brown people. And that is just the truth. And that’s just the truth of it. But-”

Sunny was cut off abruptly as Ana spoke up and said: “What did you think of it, Whoopi?”

Sunny looked a bit annoyed, as she lowered her hands back down to her lap and stayed quiet as Whoopi talked.

Whoopi continued with her point, which bounced off of Sunny’s.

One shocked fan tweeted: “Ana just cut Sunny off in the middle of talking! That was rude!”

Sunny's dogs won over her co-hosts, Alyssa Farah Griffin, Joy Behar, and Ana Navarro's

Sunny’s dogs won over her co-hosts, Alyssa Farah Griffin, Joy Behar, and Ana Navarro’sCredit: ABC

Sara Haines revealed that she judged The View's pooch pageant

Sara Haines revealed that she judged The View’s pooch pageantCredit: ABC

Sara divulged that she 'hadn't heard the end of it' from Ana after Ana's dog lost

Sara divulged that she ‘hadn’t heard the end of it’ from Ana after Ana’s dog lostCredit: ABC

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