Nancy Pelosi’s ‘weird mouth movements’ during Donald Trump’s Congress speech go viral

Nancy Pelosi’s facial expressions have once again gone viral after her ‘weird mouth movements’ during Donald Trump’s Congress speech caught the attention of viewers. As the former president addressed the nation, Pelosi was seen shifting her lips and making animated expressions, setting off a wave of reactions online.

Trump supporters quickly seized on the footage, claiming Pelosi’s expressions showed her frustration with his words. Some accused her of being disrespectful, while others turned the moment into a meme, joking about what she might have been thinking.

Pelosi’s defenders argued that her expressions were normal and overanalyzed by critics looking to create controversy. Some suggested that focusing on her mouth movements was just a distraction from the real issues discussed in the speech.

Regardless of political stance, the viral moment has once again highlighted the ongoing rivalry between Pelosi and Trump. Their interactions have consistently generated headlines, and this latest incident proves that even small gestures can become political talking points.

As the internet continues to debate her expressions, one thing is certain—Pelosi’s reactions remain as newsworthy as ever.

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